Global Language facts

Language Infographic Gallery

There are more than 7100 languages in the world today. Languages hold the intricate memory and history of thousands of years of culture. Languages shape the way people perceive the world and define societies.

Do you find yourself fascinated with Spanish or Korean after discovering a great Mexican show or listening to KPop? Or do you wish you knew more about the history of certain languages so you could understand the culture?

Whatever the reason, many of us have a huge interest to learn about new languages. Of course, learning about languages is quite difficult, but it’s “National Foreign Language Week” so we thought it’d be a great time to introduce an infographics gallery page.

African Language Infographics

These infographics colourfully represent the diversity of nature, culture and history in the African continent.

Discover the history and facts of the most popular languages spoken in Africa.

Afrikaans Language Infographic

Afrikaans Language posters

Yoruba Language Infographic

Yoruba Language posters

Amharic Language Infographic

Amharic Language posters

Asian Language Infographic

More than 4.3 billion people in Asia speak 2,300 living languages. Discover the history and feel the culture of China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines through these colourful charts.

Chinese Language Infographic

Chinese Language chart

Korean Language Infographics

Korean Language Chart

Thai Language Infographic

Thai Language Chart

Japanese Language Infographic - Milestone Localization

Japanese Language chart

Tagalog Language Infographic

Tagalog Language Chart

Vietnamese Language Infographic

Vietnamese Language Chart

European Language Infographics

Take a trip through Europe and discover the history and politics of its biggest languages. Our infographics will teach you about the number of speakers, the structure and importance of the European languages.

Bulgarian Language Infographic

Bulgarian Language posters

French Language Infographic

French Language posters

Italian Language Infographic

Italian Language posters

Portuguese Language Infographic

Portuguese Language posters

Dutch Language Infographic

Dutch Language posters

German Language Infographic

German Language posters

Lithuanian Language Infographic

Lithuanian Language posters

Russian Language Infographics

Russian Language posters

Indian Language Infographic

Discover the rich history and diverse culture of the Indian sub-continent through its languages. India has 22 official languages with thousands of dialects and variations in each.

Learn about the scripts, history and number of speakers of Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Tamila and more from these colourful infographics 

Assamese Language Infographic

Assamese Language posters

Gujarati Language Infographic

Gujarati Language posters

Kannada Language Infographic

Kannada Language posters

Punjabi Language Infographic

Punjabi Language posters

Urdu Language Infographic

Urdu Language posters

Bengali language infographic

Bengali Language posters

Hindi Language Infographic

Hindi Language posters

Marathi language Infographics

Marathi Language posters

Telugu Language Infographic

Telugu Language posters

Infographics: Middle-Eastern Languages

Discover the beauty and history of the Middle Eastern languages and culture from these detailed language charts of Arabic and Turkish.

Arabic Language Infographic

Arabic Language posters

Turkish Language Infographic

Turkish Language posters

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