Certified Yoruba translation services

We provide reliable Yoruba translation services through our team of native Yoruba translators for documents, websites, videos, and various other materials.

English to Yoruba translation services

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Professional Yoruba Translation Services

Our professional Yoruba translation services are administered by a team of proficient native Yoruba translators who specialize in meeting the distinct requirements of businesses and individuals alike. We excel in translating a wide range of content, encompassing documents, websites, multimedia materials, and more.

Whether you seek accurate translations of legal documents, marketing assets, technical manuals, or personal communications, our Yoruba translators ensure meticulous attention to detail while upholding the cultural nuances inherent in the original text. Our commitment to excellence is underscored by our unwavering dedication to delivering high-quality translations while prioritizing confidentiality and adherence to deadlines.

Opting for our Yoruba translation services affords you a dependable language solution that not only enhances your global outreach but also facilitates seamless communication with Yoruba-speaking communities worldwide. This ensures that your message is conveyed authentically and effectively, resonating appropriately and achieving its intended impact.

Certified Translation Company

Certified Translations

ISO Certified

ISO 17100:2015 & 9001:2015 Certified Agency


70+ Languages

Why Translate In Yoruba?

Yoruba Language page

Yoruba has approximately 47 million native speakers.


Yoruba is the official language of Nigeria.


It belongs to the Yoruboid cluster of the Niger-Congo language family.


Yoruba features numerous dialects, which are largely mutually intelligible and divided into five geographical groups.


The Yoruba language uses the Latin alphabet, adapted to include diacritical marks to represent specific tones and sounds unique to the language.

Where is the Yoruba language spoken?

Yoruba, belonging to the Niger-Congo language family, is spoken by an estimated 47 million people. It is a predominant language in Nigeria’s southwestern region, with over 20 million native speakers, and it also has a significant presence in neighboring Benin and Togo. Yoruba’s oral literature is renowned, featuring a wealth of proverbs, myths, and poetry that are central to its cultural identity. The language employs the Latin alphabet for its written form and is widely used in media and educational contexts within its primary regions.

The Yoruba language has transcended its African roots, influencing religious practices and cultural expressions in Brazil and Cuba due to historical migrations. This has led to its integration into the cultural mosaic of the African diaspora across the globe. Yoruba-speaking communities can also be found in Côte d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, and parts of the Caribbean.

Yoruba’s linguistic impact is profound, serving as a vessel for the transmission of African heritage and philosophical thought. It continues to be a living language that not only preserves traditional wisdom but also adapts to contemporary contexts, thereby enriching the cultural landscape of its speakers worldwide.

Nigeria map

Yoruba Language Dialects

The Yoruba language is characterized by a variety of dialects, which are largely mutually intelligible. These dialects are generally classified into five geographical groups: Northwest, Northeast, Central, Southwest, and Southeast Yoruba. Each group has its distinct phonological and lexical features. For instance, the Northwest Yoruba dialects, including Egba and Yewa, tend to have a lower tone than other dialects.

The Central Yoruba forms, such as Ijesha and Ekiti, preserve the glottal stop found in the standard Yoruba phonology. The Southeast Yoruba dialects, including Ondo and Owo, often replace the standard mid-tones with high tones. Despite these variations, speakers from different dialectal areas can communicate effectively with each other, showcasing the language’s cohesiveness.

The standard Yoruba, which is taught in schools and used for official purposes, is based on the Central Yoruba dialect group. Despite these differences, we specialize in providing accurate translation services for the diverse dialects of the Yoruba language.

English to Yoruba Translation Services

Our English to Yoruba translation services are an embodiment of cultural respect and linguistic expertise. The translators in our team are not just fluent in both languages; they are deeply rooted in the cultural contexts that give these languages life. We approach each translation with a nuanced understanding of the subtleties involved in cross-cultural communication.

Our Yoruba translators excel at navigating the complexities of both English and Yoruba, from idiomatic expressions to the rhythm and flow of sentences. They are committed to maintaining the integrity of the original message while making it relatable to the Yoruba audience.

Our service is tailored to meet your specific needs, providing a personalized experience that prioritizes your message’s impact. We understand that every word counts and our translators work diligently to ensure that your message maintains its original charm and intent. With our English to Yoruba translation services, you can be confident that your message will be conveyed accurately, respectfully, and effectively.

Yoruba to English Translation Services

Milestone helps you seamlessly translate content & localize your website, products, and services for more reach, better conversions, and greater sales.


Yoruba Document Translation Services

Our Yoruba document translation services are tailored to facilitate clear and effective communication across linguistic barriers. With a dedicated team of native Yoruba translators, we ensure that every document is translated with the highest level of accuracy and cultural sensitivity. Our Yoruba translators are not only language experts but also have a deep understanding of the cultural nuances that are essential for conveying the right message.

We handle a wide array of documents, including but not limited to legal contracts, medical records, technical manuals, educational materials, and personal correspondence. Our translators are adept at maintaining the original document’s tone, style, and intent, ensuring that the translated version is true to its source. They pay meticulous attention to detail, from the correct use of technical terms to the subtle nuances of cultural expressions.

With our Yoruba document translation services, you can be assured of a seamless translation experience that respects both the language and the cultural context of your documents.

Yoruba Legal Translation Services


Our Yoruba legal translation services provide precise and culturally attuned translations for a wide range of legal documents. We understand the critical importance of accuracy in legal translations, as even the slightest error can have significant implications. Our team consists of native Yoruba speakers who are also legal professionals, ensuring that every term and concept is translated with exactness and legal propriety.

We specialize in translating contracts, agreements, court documents, patents, wills, and other legal materials. Our translators are well-versed in the legal systems of both the source and target languages, allowing them to navigate complex legal jargon and terminology with ease. They are trained to recognize and respect the confidentiality and sensitivity of legal documents, maintaining the highest standards of privacy and discretion.

With our Yoruba legal translation services, clients can trust that their documents are handled with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail, ensuring clear and effective legal communication.


“We worked with Milestone Localization to translate content into Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. They were responsive and professional and delivered high-quality translations within the given deadlines. They did a great job and it was a pleasure working with them.”


“Impressed by Milestone Localization & their quick around time. We used their language translation services and can vouch for their quality of work and their diligence in making sure that we handle exceptional cases, brand keywords, etc. Overall happy with them.”



“As a medical device company, we transitioned to EUMDR compliance in 2022 and needed translation on our IFUs in 22 international languages. We found Milestone Localization was best suited to do this work for us. Since then they have been our regular translation service provider with 100% on-time delivery of documentation.”


Order Your Yoruba Translations Here

Our team is ready to help you with your translation needs.

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