We’re An ISO 17100 Certified Translation Company!

Nikita Agarwal

Director at Milestone Localization

We are now an ISO 17100 certified translation company! Milestone Localization is officially certified on 24th September 2020 for ‘End to End Translation and Localization Services.’

Updated ISO Certificate - Milestone

Here is everything you need to know-

1. Introduction to the standard

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. It is an independent, non-government, international body that develops standards to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products, services, and systems. There is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (also called ISO member bodies). Each of them is responsible for a subject for which a technical committee has been established.

International organizations, both governmental and non-governmental work together with ISO. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) also takes part but focuses mainly on electrotechnical standardization.

The ISO 17100:2015 traces back to the so-called European standard for translation services EN 15038 issued in 2006 and aims to avoid duplication between European and international standards.

ISO 17100 provides clear requirements for the core processes, resources, and other aspects of the translation services for language service companies. This in turn ensures the delivery of quality translations.


2. Why is it important?

The ISO 17100 Certificate is essential for every translation service provider since it specifies requirements for:

  • all aspects, including pre- and post-translation activities, of the translation process concerning the quality and delivery of translation services
  • execution of the main processes
  • minimum qualification requirements for the translators and other professionals
  • the utilization of various resources
  • other processes and activities necessary for the delivery of the quality translation

It helps a translation company streamline its processes, implement total quality management, and ultimately provide maximum value to all its stakeholders.


3. How it helped our translation company have the right processes in place

Having the ISO 17100 Certificate means that Milestone Localization:

  • has process documentation to ensure that the people working on the translation tasks have the recommended competencies and qualifications
  • continuously assess our translators and reviewers
  • keep a register of all accepted translation projects and their durations
  • maintain records of translation revisions, reviewer feedback, and translator feedback
  • use the latest technical equipment (e.g. translation tools, management systems, etc.) required for the completion of translation tasks, communication and secure storage of documentation and data
  • follow the appropriate procedures for analyzing inquiries, preparing quotations, determining project feasibility, and arranging agreements with clients
  • hire and maintain records for our project managers, QA teams, and in-house linguists


4. How it helps our translation company guarantee quality

translation company guarantee quality

As a certified translation company, we comply with the requirements of the ISO 17100 standard. These primarily include:

  • working with qualified linguists who have a higher education degree and sufficient practical experience
  • working with qualified and experienced project managers
  • utilization of various technical and technological resources (such as CAT tools, information systems, communication tools, software, hardware, etc.)
  • execution of the translation and review process in accordance with all specifications of the ISO 17100 standard (e.g. providing feedback and price quotes);
  • securing the confidentiality of information (including translation texts and other resources)
  • conducting surveys of customer satisfaction regularly
  • fulfilling the contractual obligations towards our clients

Moreover, we insist that our translators meet at least one of the following criteria:

a) a recognized graduate qualification in translation from an institution of higher education;

b) a recognized graduate qualification in any other field from an institution of higher education plus two years of full-time professional experience in translating;

c) five years of full-time professional experience in translating.


5. What we guarantee you – our clients?

guarantee to our clients

By applying the ISO 17100 standard to our translation work we guarantee our clients:

  • top quality translations by qualified and experienced linguists
  • qualified project managers and other professionals to oversee every project
  • maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive documents
  • on-time delivery of translations
  • recording and storage of all communications, files, and feedback
  • using only correct and approved technical terminology

Our clients and partners get all this in addition to excellent and professional service. Milestone Localization is committed to provide top quality services and to increase our customer’s confidence by following the approved framework of ISO 17100 Certification.

Want to work with our ISO 17100 certified translation company on your next project?

Get in touch.



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